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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Butterfly Release

Today the Grief Resource Center had a butterfly release. One of the butterflies decided Haley was the perfect perch. Rozanne and Haley, Mom and I, Derek's mom Susan and step-dad Robert, and his aunt Martha, all went we each released a butterfly for Derek.

Lazy Day

It's a beautiful and peaceful day out today. Edgar decided to curl up with a good Nero Wolf mystery while Sassy felt a nap on the window sill was in order.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Lipton Ice Tea

My cat Edgar Allen Poe likes to drink my ice tea. Usually he'll drink out of his own tea cup but he would rather drink out of mine. And if I leave my glass unattended he will. I thought he liked it because it is sweet but, he drank it unsweetened. He even drank my sisters tea and she had lemon in her glass.

Hi All,

I took some pictures and realized I need to do more then keep them on my computer. So I decided to set up a blog so I'd have some place to post them. I hope you enjoy them.