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Monday, October 19, 2009

Renaissance Festival 2009

Ren Fest was a blast! The weather was perfect, clear skies and 80 degrees with a breeze to keep it from being hot. There was music every where you went and the people were friendly and cheerful. The costumes were the best I've seen outside the theater. I wish I had brought mine, I do so love dressing up and joining in the fun. Still with shows like Ded Bob, watching the jousts, shopping and of course the food I had a grand time of it. A good time was indeed had by all. Can't wait till next year.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I finally finished my new reading journal. It is sewn together with a Coptic stitch to a hard cover. I didn't use a hard spine so that it will lay flat when opened. I put a vellum pocket on the front and it holds a note pad. On the back I put a library pocket to hold book markers and 3x5 index cards. It has ribbon ties and a ribbon marker. I have a section to list the books I'm reading, and a section to write a comment about the books I've read, There is also a section to list book I have and want to read and one section to list books I don't have but want to read.